The “Event” popup menu is used to choose the event type. An MS Excel 4 event supports the following event types: • Set data • Get data • Recalculate • Do script Set data The “Set data” event is used to set the value of an MS Excel 4 spreadsheet cell during a simulation. Get data The “Get data” event is used to get the value of an MS Excel 4 spreadsheet cell during a simulation. Recalculate When the “Recalculate” event is sent to MS Excel 4, all the currently open spreadsheet documents will be recalculated. No results are returned back to DynRisk. Do script The “Do script” event is used together with the “Script” field. By entering scripts in Excel syntax into the “Script” field, you can have Excel executing these scripts during a simulation. If you know how to enter formulas into an Excel spreadsheet, you know how to write such scripts. If not, we refer to the Excel manuals for further information. In addition to this, there are a few things you need to be aware of when writing such scripts. 1) Do not begin scripts with an ‘=’. 2) If you need to refer to a spreadsheet cell in your scripts, you must use the following form: Worksheet1!R1C1 [Replace “Worksheet1” by the name of the spreadsheet document, and R1C1 by a reference to the cell you want to refer to.] 3) If you want to include the input value of the event in a script, use the placeholder character ‘…’. [Option-.] DynRisk will then replace the placeholder by the input value before passing the script over to Excel. You can use as many placeholders as you like in your scripts. 4) If you want the result value of the script (if there are one) to be passed on to the successors of the event, be sure to check the “Expect script reply” option checkbox. Otherwise the event will just pass on zero.